I've fallen very behind on my postings lately. I have millions of excuses all relating to dogs, my husband (still sounds odd to say that) and our yard. All of which are better now than they were before. But, sadly, my blogging is always the first thing to go when I'm overwhelmed.
We have finished planting the raised beds, installed breaks for the ground cover around the beds, built another flower bed and spread out one and a half cubic yards of dirt. It's been astoundingly hard work but I love it. There is a satisfaction in making a home (not only for my partner, I was like this when I was single) that can't find it's equal in me. I love making sure things are clean, tended and orderly. Except when I don't.
I'm having trouble sleeping tonight. The night is still but the creatures in our house aren't. We have Duke running about trying to find just the right place to sleep, Ziggy trying to catch him and the foster dog (a very, very small chihuahua whom I am really debating adopting) is a dutiful servant of the chaos trying to learn his place in it all. I'm finishing some reading, blogging and trying to devise ways to make my slumbering husband get out of the bed so that I can rearrange the room.
All this noctorunal activity got me thinking about the Photo Friday post Callopie had for last week--night. So I grabbed my phone and went for the first shot I got. And, with that, I'm back in the game.