Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Falling behind!

These are my (very bad) excuses.

When you look a them from the back of the house they look really boring and the couch seems oddly placed.

But when you sit on the couch, propping your feet on the side of the bed, this is what you see.

I'm excited to get them planted. It may seem late in the season but we had snow (again!!!!!) (maybe one more ! just for effect) just a couple of days ago. Here's home Utah really is ready to let me garden.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


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Friday, May 21, 2010

Photo Friday

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41, tomorrow.

And now the proud owner of a barbeque.

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Deceptively Calm.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mowed grass

It's pretty much his favorite thing ever.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Foster

The Irish Setter found a home on Saturday. He was a lovely foster but I'm sure that he's going to be happier with his jogging, early-20's owner who will love and adore him forever. So, time for a new one!

Everyone, Lolo. Lolo, this is everyone.

She's a bit skittish but cute and small--so I named her Lolo. Also, it was a nice ode to Montana. She's a handful but I'm sure she's going to get better. She just needs some exercise, love and, of course, rules/boundaries/limitations.

I'll get some better pictures when she's not so shy.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Gentleman's Cupcake

Today was a day full of sisters. Rina and I spent the morning relaxing at Saundies when we were sure the trip was actually extended into Monday. When Saundra ventured home from Church we went out to lunch, ran into an excellent family friend, went to a bakery, bought some cupcakes to share and headed to Beth's (and Bud's) place.

After some chill out time Beth decided it was time to learn Canasta The Granger Way. So we did. And sometime in the already hilarious and...well, sisterly (we'll leave it at that, for the dignity of the women involved) conversation we decided to break into the cupcakes. We tried Lavendar, Cayenne and then this one the bakery called 'The Gentleman's Cupcake.' No lie. I'm just going to say what my Grandma said, "Wow, I hope that was commercially made."

We laughed so hard I thought we may, in fact, pass out. But we all survived and have now achieved something similar to one or two thousand crunches.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Charlotte is getting so old

But I'm still fascinated by her every moment.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I love gardens.

Especially ones I don't weed. Shot a wedding here and it was awesome.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Models and flat salt.

I went on a photo shoot today. With models. And lights. It was AWEsome.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Crap! I almost forgot.

Since I nearly missed this post I'm going to cheat at my own game and put up one of my favorite photos. Enjoy!

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Relishing my relishrelish

I've had a hard time planning interesting menus. It's important to me that we eat well and with flair but it's hard to keep that up. Or I'm too lazy. Either way, enter And instant love. Every Monday (or for the last two) I select a menu, print of a shopping list, edit for what I have in the house and I'm done! The shopping is even broken down into sections so I don't waste any time at the store. And! And! They have menu items specifically for me to make and freeze so Michael doesn't fall of the Healthy Wagon when I can't cook dinner. If I wasn't already married.......

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

I got a nap to celebrate.

And yet, I only mother these two.

I love our lazy Sundays. And this guy.

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

You know I ordered it.

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Late night, date night.

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Friday, May 7, 2010

I really love weddings.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Time I love

It's my second favorite. 11:11 is clearly #1.

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

An ode

Sometimes when I'm sad I use this pen. It always helps.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Photo Friday, before I forget.

We're a computer freindly house. Kind of like, say, a meth addict enjoys a high every so often. They're everywhere. Literally. We have four operational in our regular office, this one, a netbook in the family room and another laptop in the bedroom. This is my early morning work station and the one I check in by during the day. I'm usually only in the office in the evenings or for work. And I share that space with Michael so this one is the space I consider 'mine'. Clearly Duke didn't get the memo.

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Monday, May 3, 2010

My pretties.

Often I forgive them for having spiders.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

How I spend Sundays.

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Random Fiesta Pictures and an Infomercial.

Now, for infomercial! This is Clancy:

His is our foster dog (an Irish Setter, if you're not able to tell by the picture) and he's in need of a home. He's excellent with other dogs, cats and (from everything I've seen) kids. He loves, loves, loves his people. He's easy to groom and one of the most easy-going dogs I've ever been around. His formal home is with Four Paws Rescue here in Utah but he's available for adoption anywhere in the US. If you know anyone who'd be interested, please have them email me. Thanks!!