It's not surprising that I'm having trouble finding time for people when I have all of these yahoos in my life...
Yes, there are currently three dogs, one cat and a background husband in the house. Mikey, the black and white, is just a visitor while his Mom is on a month-long trip. Blackie, the brown/black chihuahua, is a tiny new addition to our foster family. Last Monday her family tried to surrender her to the shelter but didn't have the money to do so. The shelter called us and here she is. She's hilarious and I'm sure she's going to find just the right forever home soon.
I'd update you about Michael and I but if I share too many quotes it starts to sound like "Bob and Ethel Do Marriage." We're ten days away from eight months and I can honestly say that no period of my life has flown by faster. It boggles the mind. Which is clearly the best excuse for not blogging.
I LOVE that picture of Ziggy! He is such a poser and so handsome. I can't wait to meet him someday.